- ** "I subdue matter and force it to become my mind's good medium. I rejoice in plants, in animals, in man and in gods, as though they were my children. I feel all the universe nestling about me and following me as though it were my own body.
- Let us unite, let us hold each other tightly, let us merge our hearts, let us create - so long as the warmth of this earth endures, so long as no earthquakes, cataclysms, icebergs or comets come to destroy us - let us create for Earth a brain and a heart, let us give a human meaning to the superhuman struggle.
- I watch mind and matter hunting each other like two nonexistent erotic phantasms - merging, begetting, disappearing - and I say: "This is what I want!"
- Whether you would or not, you brought a new rhythm, a new desire, a new idea, a fresh sorrow. Whether you would or not, you enriched your ancestral body.
- The mind is a seafaring laborer whose work is to build a seawall in chaos.
- All Earth is a seed planted in the coils of my mind. Whatever struggles for numberless years to unfold and fructify in the dark womb of matter bursts in my head like a small and silent lightning flash.
- Humanity is such a lump of mud, each one of us is such a lump of mud. What is our duty? To struggle so that a small flower may blossom from the dunghill of our flesh and mind.
- Love man because you are he. Love animals and plants because you were they, and now they follow you like faithful co-workers and slaves.
- Love your body; only with it may you fight on this earth and turn matter into spirit.
- Love matter. God clings to it tooth and nail, and fights. Fight with him.
- Impose order, the order of your brain, on the flowing anarchy of the world. Incise your plan of battle clearly on the face of the abyss.
- A stone is saved if we lift it from the mire and build it into a house, or if we chisel the spirit upon it.
- Joy! Joy! I did not know that all this world is so much part of me, that we are all one army, that windflowers and stars struggle to right and left of me and do not know me; but I turn to them and hail them.
- Silence means: Every person, after completing his service in all labors, reaches finally the highest summit of endeavor, beyond every labor, where he no longer struggles or shouts, where he ripens fully in silence, indestructibly, eternally, with the entire Universe. …”
** Excerpts from the book of the Cretan Writer and Philosopher Nikos Kazantzakis “Salvatores Dei” (1927) , who was the brother of Eleftheria’s great grandmother Anastasia. This book includes the ideology of the Architect.